Monday, July 12, 2010

Working for the Weekend...

July 10 and 11
Saturday, June 10

We went to Melville on Friday afternoon to watch Tubie play percussion next to a DJ at a lounge. The restaurant was really good. It was a lounge type atmosphere and just really chill. After dinner we went to The Loft again to watch the Uruguay v. Germany game. I’m starting to really like that place because it is in a really great neighborhood, the atmosphere is great and the people are so friendly and welcoming. Good times in Melville yet again.

Sunday, June 11

We went to another mall and that had a skate park so that John could do some skating. I was tempted to go in but chickened out a bit. I think next time we go I’m going to give it a try. Who said starting to skateboard in a pool at 32 is a bad idea…I don’t think it is!

Later that night we were planning to head down town since my World Cup ticket hook up fell though, which I am really bummed about, but I still had a great time watching the game. We started at a hipster type bar called Ko’ Spotong which translates in Zulu to “The place to hang out.” It’s the second time we were there and it’s a great little spot. The food is interesting and the people there are wonderful and full of love for South Africa and its underground art and music movement. For dinner I at a sandwich called a Dagwood…specifically a Steak Dagwood.

2 slices of bread
1 Fried egg
1 Cut of Steak
1 Thick slice of Salami
Side of chips (fries)

Let’s just say it was the greatest sandwich I have ever eaten in my entire life….ok…going too far but pretty good.

After eating a talking to other bar goers we headed off to the fan park about 100 yards away to watch the closing ceremonies of the world cup. A fan park is a large area set up with enormous monitors and a stage so local fans who did not attend the game can be at a fun event to watch the game. It’s free to get in so it was packet. There are tents in there that sell food and drinks and little knick knacks. The closing ceremonies were great and when they ended there was still about an hour until the game. There were a few bands that came out which was great. Some local rappers rapped in Zulu, a reggae band form the Netherlands, and a local band that sounded like Dave Matthews Band…although not Dave Matthews and.

The energy at the fan park was something I’ve never experienced. People were cheering and dancing and having a great time. Before last night I was kind of obsessed with the Vuvuzelas, now I never want to see one again…although I have one to bring back. They are loud and annoying but awesome at the same time. A majority of the people in the park were cheering for The Netherlands. Not me…I was for Spain. Not sure why…secretly maybe because what was done during Apartheid by the Dutch…which got me thinking why so many Black South African were cheering for them…something I’m learning. I understand that Mandela preached forgiveness, but I’d be holding some sort of animosity…with that said….Go Spain! Yes…I do know that Spain has done some terrible things in its history too, but not down here.

Anyways, one of the most fascinating moments that stood out to me was when Nelson Mandela was shown on the big screen. The entire crowd went into an uproar of cheering and jumping. It was beautiful seeing everyone hugging jumping and dancing for Mandela. He is really seen as an idol here…which he should be. He has done so much for this world and South Africa.

The game was great…you probably saw it…Spain 1, Netherlands 0. Awesome! We headed back to Ko’ Spotong for the last 30 minutes of the game. Everyone there was cheering for Spain so it was fun to not be the only one cheering for Spain. Again….lots of hugging and dancing went on once Spain scored and won the game. It’s a great place. So much love emanated and radiated from each person that I have met.

Gugu, Ngakana, and Tholo were out too. These were 3 of the several artists who we worked with during the Holiday workshops for the kids last week. Gugu and Ngakana are about 25 and play in a band together. Tholo is about 27 and is a photojournalist who is publishing a photography book soon. These are amazing guys and it has been a pleasure knowing them. It was fun to see them outside of school.

It was about midnight and we were off to go home because the next day was our first staff day with all the teachers…I was a bit nervous but excited to meet the new staff I had not met yet.

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