Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Outside with the boys...

I am completely enthralled with the outcome of our 2 day garden. These boys are the hardest working fellas I've worked with and I am so proud to be able to work with them. One thing I am noticing about these South African kids is that hard work is a norm for them. The other thing I have seen them do that I have never seen American boy do is sing together. They aren't singing rap songs (although they do), but today, while working in the garden, ALL the boys were singing, choir style, some beautiful Ladysmith Black Mambazo (Google it) and Zap Mama (Google it). I was simply impressed with their work ethic. Here are some pictures of our work over the last 2 days. Nothing is planted yet...probably tomorrow:
The garden which looks like graves

The gang in the garden

Our makeshift compost bin

Our vermicomposting bin

My dirt socks after a day in the garden.

Tonight we are off to some party for the soccer game. We are being picked up by some oficial driver of the world cup. yeah, we know people....who know people...who know people....seriously. Go Spain!!

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