Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some thoughts...

So, all in all things are pretty much the same since the last post. Durban was amazing and work is going amazing too. I heard a few interesting things today and thought I'd share:

1. "It's much easier to live a life of significance here than most other places." I heard someone say this today and it struck me. I'd like to know what my lovely readers think about this. Can you either post to this page or email me at I'd like to hear what you think about this quote.

2. I had an interesting interaction with a 11th grade math student today. She said, "What is math like in the US?" I didn't understand her question at first. I thought she meant if I teach math differently than the teachers hear. Nope, she actually meant is math different, like, does 1+1 = 5 in the USA. It's interesting to hear kids talk about math and they still do not realize that math is universal. 1+1 will equal 2 in every corner of this planet. Quite fascinating if you think about it.

Anyways, that's all I have for now.

Lalani Khale,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Marc, I enjoy reading about your journey. I think you can lead a life of significance anywhere. You just need to choose to make a difference. Americans are conditioned to look out for #1, it seems that South Africans are conditioned to look out for one another.
