Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our last few days...and off to Cape Town with Sarah!

On Tuesday we met up with almost all of the friends we have made here for dinner. We wen Newtown again expecting to go to Ko’ Spotong. I was excited to show Sarah the place where so much of my fun was had. It was closed. We went next door to a restaurant called Sophia Town. (The story of the Sophia Town township to come soon). We met up with Tholo, Gugu, Nakagana, Carla, and Tshipo. Thubi and Kix were there too. It was wonderful seeing everyone for the last time (this trip). We all talked about everyone coming to stay in the States with us. I hope it happens, but we’ll see. Thubi gave a great toast saying that we gave him a better view of Americans, which was nice to hear. It was a sad night because all of the people we met were genuinely amazing people who want progress for SA and are working themselves to make that happen. It was sad to leave them, but it’s exciting to think about them coming to visit.

Last night Mapuleng invited all of us over for dinner at her house. There were 8 of us packed into her tiny cute house with Mandela on the wall. She made us a great traditional SA meal with a lot of veggies for Pam and Sarah and great meat for the rest. Chicken, beef, pap, amazing flavors and dishes. I wish I could cook like this. It was wonderful to sit so closely with such an amazing family. I feel very connected with her and her 2 boys Buki and Kamo. I really hope they come for a visit next summer to SD. It would be a pleasure having them in my home as they have let us in theirs on several occasions.

The past 7 weeks have been one of the most amazing times of my life. I have met amazing human beings with a passion for progress of a country. Something our country is lacking. This country is full of young people who want to move forward form the Apartheid mindset and create a country of equality. The young people are the renegades and will make progress happen. Education is the way. I am filled with mixed emotions about leaving LEAP 3 today. I am sad to leave the amazing people I have met and hope they continue to have the passion that I have seen in them. I hope the teachers continue to be passionate and open to new styles of education and teaching. I hope collaboration continues between HTH and LEAP. I think between the two, we can change the world. This experience has been fascinating, rewarding, and energizing. I am excited to bring what I have learned into my classroom and hopefully continue to talk to the students in some shape of form. I thank the staff at LEAP for teaching me to become a better teachers and I hope I have been able to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting adventures indeed! Glad that you and Sarah got to go to the prom. :)
