Wednesday, August 11, 2010

And we're back...

I's been about a week or so since I have been able to post, so here is a quick synopsys of the past wee or so....

This has been one hell of a weekend (this is the weekend of July 29-Aug 1). A whirlwind and I am exhausted. Early bed time tonight because the Teach With Africa founders will be here tomorrow and I need to make sure they know they didn’t waste $2000 to send me here.

Thursday: Went out with John, Pam, Buki, and Kamo (2 friends we’ve made here...Mapuleng's sons). Buki plays this intense indoor soccer. The field is about half as wide as a normal field and the same length. The walls are really tight netting and it was Buki’s championship game. They lost but beers were had afterwards and it was a good late night. In bed at about 1am.

Friday-I was introduced to real authentic South African hip hop. I saw Tumi and the Volume and a few artists named AKA and Zubz. Tumi is very well known here and he was great! Google: Tumi and the Volume and also Zubz. They were amazing, fun and simply great music. It was a late night again.

Saturday-Left for Pilanesburg. A great game reserve loved by locals. We saw some only 3 of the big 5 (Rhino, Leopard, and Elephant)…look at the pictures and enjoy.

Sunday night-We got home at 6 and were out and ready to back out by 7. We went to Soweto (South Western Township), a positively growing township 45 minutes out of Jo’burg. There is a great clothing store there called Thesis where on the 1st Sunday of the month they throw a huge party just outside of their store to celebrate the local music scene and bring in business. There was a local rapper named Deep Soweto who was doing his thing and I asked a guy next to me what language he was singing in. He told me it was Zulu and asked if I understood anything. I told him NO, but that the flow and sound were great. About 10 minutes later he asked me if I knew what he was rapping about again. Of course I had no idea. His response, ”killing white people and apartheid.” Yet, I was still in the middle of the crowd bobbing my head and having a great time!

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