Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our last few days...and off to Cape Town with Sarah!

On Tuesday we met up with almost all of the friends we have made here for dinner. We wen Newtown again expecting to go to Ko’ Spotong. I was excited to show Sarah the place where so much of my fun was had. It was closed. We went next door to a restaurant called Sophia Town. (The story of the Sophia Town township to come soon). We met up with Tholo, Gugu, Nakagana, Carla, and Tshipo. Thubi and Kix were there too. It was wonderful seeing everyone for the last time (this trip). We all talked about everyone coming to stay in the States with us. I hope it happens, but we’ll see. Thubi gave a great toast saying that we gave him a better view of Americans, which was nice to hear. It was a sad night because all of the people we met were genuinely amazing people who want progress for SA and are working themselves to make that happen. It was sad to leave them, but it’s exciting to think about them coming to visit.

Last night Mapuleng invited all of us over for dinner at her house. There were 8 of us packed into her tiny cute house with Mandela on the wall. She made us a great traditional SA meal with a lot of veggies for Pam and Sarah and great meat for the rest. Chicken, beef, pap, amazing flavors and dishes. I wish I could cook like this. It was wonderful to sit so closely with such an amazing family. I feel very connected with her and her 2 boys Buki and Kamo. I really hope they come for a visit next summer to SD. It would be a pleasure having them in my home as they have let us in theirs on several occasions.

The past 7 weeks have been one of the most amazing times of my life. I have met amazing human beings with a passion for progress of a country. Something our country is lacking. This country is full of young people who want to move forward form the Apartheid mindset and create a country of equality. The young people are the renegades and will make progress happen. Education is the way. I am filled with mixed emotions about leaving LEAP 3 today. I am sad to leave the amazing people I have met and hope they continue to have the passion that I have seen in them. I hope the teachers continue to be passionate and open to new styles of education and teaching. I hope collaboration continues between HTH and LEAP. I think between the two, we can change the world. This experience has been fascinating, rewarding, and energizing. I am excited to bring what I have learned into my classroom and hopefully continue to talk to the students in some shape of form. I thank the staff at LEAP for teaching me to become a better teachers and I hope I have been able to do the same.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Last weekend....

Our last weekend….

Sarah finally came!!! Sara Kix and I went to the airport to pick up Sarah Barnes. It was so amazing seeing her for the first time in about 2 months. Our eyes met and I was so happy to see here. We hugged for a while…I think Kix might have felt a bit awkward…oh well.

After the airport, we came back to our flat for about an hour to get ready for the prom. It was nice to have a date. No corsage though…what was I thinking!!! It was a blast. John was able to get black out drunk…maybe he thought it was a wedding. It sort of felt that way at times. There were a lot of speeches and talks. The food was great and finally the dancing was fun. That’s when it felt like a prom. Sarah and I know how to cut a rug!

The next day we took it easy. We woke up late, I took Sarah on a tour of the beautiful campus and just caught up. It was nice to hear about here Brazil stories and I’m really excited to see her pictures and just spend time with her here in South Africa. It was nice introducing her to my new South African life that I have grown to love with all my heart.

We went into Melville for dinner that night and met up with John’s cousin who was there for the evening. She is from Paris and was studying marine ecology in SA, but heading back to Paris the next day. It was great to be sitting at a table with Americans, Parisians, and South African. I felt honored to be there. We then hopped around the bar scene and drank some great beers. I was in the drunken state where I was craving sweets. I snuck out of the bar and walked down to Illy (and amazing Italian coffee company) and bout about R 200 worth of baked goods. I brought it all back to the bars and we ate like kings and queens. We finally got home at about 2 am or so.

On Sunday we woke up early and went to an African Market…which was in a mall…so I didn’t really get the “Authentic South African goods” they kept advertising on the walls. It was the same crap at every other booth….not a great place. We then went down to Newtown and met up with Sara Kix, Thubi, Gugu, and Nakana. It was great to reconnect with them and plan a dinner with all our new friends. We ended up making a plan fro Tuesday night and we were stoked!

Then Sarah and I went to Thubi and Sara Kix to Thubi’s township of Kagiso (a.k.a. KG…in Zulu meaning Peace) We went out to dinner and had an authentic township dinner of chicken, pap and dumplings. I love the stuff, but I’m not sure Sarah was into it. I guess I’ve just gotten used to it. We stayed in a nice B and B while we were there. It’s a nicer township than the ones I’ve been in the summer. In the morning we were going back to Pilanesburg with Sara and Thubi. At 6am, we were off….wait…not really…we were locked in! It took us a half an hour of wandering the building to find a way out. They have to lock everything up so we are safe inside and no creepers come in. Anyways, at about 6:30 am, we found a window and climbed out. Sara Kix and Thubi weer waiting for us and we were off to Pilanesburg again.

Pinalesburg was great,,,,we saw a lot again. We saw a dead elephant where many lions were apparently eating…we didn’t see the lions. We saw many giraffes and zebras too. Sarah enjoyed herself but was really looking forward to seeing elephants. We did, but not till our way out. We had about 5 minutes of them and it was amazing. The adults created a circle around the babies and went to sleep. It was beautiful. We go home really late and were passed out in about 5 minutes. It was a long day!

We are in our last few days and it's hard to say goodbye. The kids have become so special to me and I will not be able to leave easily. I will continue this soon. I actually leave today but have more to write about from this past may be an oral telling if I don't get back to writing today. It's a hectic day. The kids have something special planned for us, not too sure what though...

Sarah and I are off to Cape Town for a week while John and Pam and heading back to the States. I will try to blog when I get to Cape Town. See you all soon!


Monday Aug 2nd was a rough day. After a long and on the go weekend, I was a lazy bum. I was able to observe several teachers and offer feedback and do some planning with them, but that’s about it. Sarah gets here on Friday and I am super excited to see her. It’s been about 7 weeks since we’ve seen each other. She left for Brazil a week before I lefts for South Africa. As soon as we pick her up we have to go straight to the grade 12 prom…yay? I rather just go home and catch up.

We have a busy weekend planned as it is our last weekend…more to come on that later.

And we're back...

I's been about a week or so since I have been able to post, so here is a quick synopsys of the past wee or so....

This has been one hell of a weekend (this is the weekend of July 29-Aug 1). A whirlwind and I am exhausted. Early bed time tonight because the Teach With Africa founders will be here tomorrow and I need to make sure they know they didn’t waste $2000 to send me here.

Thursday: Went out with John, Pam, Buki, and Kamo (2 friends we’ve made here...Mapuleng's sons). Buki plays this intense indoor soccer. The field is about half as wide as a normal field and the same length. The walls are really tight netting and it was Buki’s championship game. They lost but beers were had afterwards and it was a good late night. In bed at about 1am.

Friday-I was introduced to real authentic South African hip hop. I saw Tumi and the Volume and a few artists named AKA and Zubz. Tumi is very well known here and he was great! Google: Tumi and the Volume and also Zubz. They were amazing, fun and simply great music. It was a late night again.

Saturday-Left for Pilanesburg. A great game reserve loved by locals. We saw some only 3 of the big 5 (Rhino, Leopard, and Elephant)…look at the pictures and enjoy.

Sunday night-We got home at 6 and were out and ready to back out by 7. We went to Soweto (South Western Township), a positively growing township 45 minutes out of Jo’burg. There is a great clothing store there called Thesis where on the 1st Sunday of the month they throw a huge party just outside of their store to celebrate the local music scene and bring in business. There was a local rapper named Deep Soweto who was doing his thing and I asked a guy next to me what language he was singing in. He told me it was Zulu and asked if I understood anything. I told him NO, but that the flow and sound were great. About 10 minutes later he asked me if I knew what he was rapping about again. Of course I had no idea. His response, ”killing white people and apartheid.” Yet, I was still in the middle of the crowd bobbing my head and having a great time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cape Town Baby!

Cape Town was amazing and I am excited to be there in about 10 days again for 10 days. The lady and I will be gallivanting through Cape Town and painting the town red…tripping the light fandango…etc…I’m stokes to be back there. I had an amazing experience seeing the other LEAP schools, which was my focus of this trip, and am excited to be there for fun.

We drove around with the LEAP bus drive named Dickey and a LEAP graduate, Andisani, to give us a tour of Langa. This is the township that LEAP 1 serves. LEAP 2 serves a different, yet similar township. Langa reminded me a lot of Alexandra in a sense. It was a township that housed very poor individuals and families, yet there was a side that served doctors and lawyers as well. It was an interesting dichotomy to see. Langa was built in the beginning of Apartheid. Across the street is a very wealth neighborhood call Pinelands. The Pinelands has concrete walls and barbed wire fencing around it. Langa has only 2 entrance ways into it, both very far away for Pinelands. This was done on purpose during Apartheid to clearly separate what and black neighborhoods.

You see this all over South Africa. Johannesburg has it as well…clear walls and roads built to specifically separate by race. It’s sad to see really. We are in 2010 and many whites still see themselves as more powerful, and others powerless. It is truly sad.

While in Langa, Dickey was talking to us about all the Zimbabweans in SA. They are having a hard time here due to a lot of xenophobia. In 2008, there were xenophobia attacks against Zimbabweans. One man was lit on fire alive at a bus stop. There are talks of other attacks soon. The interesting thing is that these xenophobic attacks are not geared towards all foreigners, but mainly people from Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe refugees tend to work for a cheaper wage so they are having better success at getting more jobs than black South Africans. Does this sound familiar? Hi Arizona! How are you? Very similar feelings are in the air in the US towards refugees from Mexico. No bust stop burnings yet, but we aren’t too far off.

Another interesting fact I learned is that there is a clear difference between blacks and coloreds. Well, there are the whites who are white. There are the blacks who typically are from Africa, and then there are the coloreds. If you are not white or black, you are colored. Indians, Asians, etc. I also learned that there are a lot of colored townships out there and white townships are starting to pop up too.

Continuing on our tour of Langa, we stopped off to have some delicious township food called Smiley. In Alex it’s called Scope. Basically it the discarded head of a goat or sheep. It is quite interesting to see and ever more interesting to eat. It’s a bit of a process to prepare so good thing I didn’t have to, I was able to watch.

Step 1: Shave of all the hair

Step 2: Use a red hot iron and burn off the rest of the hair

Step 3: Stick a hook through the nostrils and dip it in boiling water to cook the meat and brains.

Step 4: Pull it out and using an ax, chop the skull in half.

Step 5: Toss it in a pile of coals to smoke for a while.

Step 6: Season and rip the meat off the face and eat.

Now, I stayed away from the brains and the eyes, but the cheek meat was delicious and the tongue was great too. John ate some of the ear and said it was tasty until he hit the crunch ear canal…is anyone hungry yet?

After eating Smiley, we headed back to school for some observing and teaching. I was able to jump into a 1th grade class and teach some Present and Future annuities. I then taught a bit (John did mainly, I was just there to help) in a 10th grade about slope of a line…good times. I finally sat in on an LO class. If you read an earlier blog of mine I talked about the loving and nurturing nature of the LO here created by Trevor and Tabia. It’s a bit different in the other LEAP schools. It’s more “In your face” conversations and calling people out. Students are almost forced to talk. Several teachers (not LO teachers) said that they heard students saying that they simply make up things to say to that they don’t get in trouble when they get called on. Is this the best way to create a safe and comforting space? I like the way things work here at LEAP 3.

After our day there we went back to the lodge to nap and rest up before we went out to experience downtown Cape Town.

Going out in Cape Town is a great experience. First, I know nothing of the town so an adventure waits around every corner. Second, it’s very different than what I have done in Jo’burg. Cape Town is very divided…still. Yes, there is some mixing of colors when you go out (not like in Jo’burg where there is a lot of racial mixing), but neighborhoods are black, whites, or colored. We went out and hung out with a lot of white people. Not that there is anything wrong with white people, but here there is a stigma that you carry on your shoulders being white, so I like to surround myself with the black South Africans who are nicer and more welcoming anyway. All in all, I have fun anywhere I go and with whom ever I am with, so I had a blast on Long Street

The next day we went downtown again by train and headed to the Green Square Market where there are booths set up to buy “authentic handmade South African products.” This is not true at all. Most of the things each vendor claims to have is made by them, by hand, yet the next vendor has the exact same product with the exact same carving and prints. I learned later that most of the things come from Kenya, Zimbabwe, or Botswana and are not authentic at all. Yet still I find myself compelled to buy nick nacks everywhere I go. Bargaining makes it more fun and challenging too.

We went to Simon’s Town too. This is home of the penguins who created their homes among the people who inhabited the area first. Yes, people were there first, and then the penguins took over. It was great to see them so close. We were able to see a mating ritual too of the male walking circles around the female. Another make came to challenge him and they got into it a bit. It was really neat to see that.

The next day we climbed Table Mountain. It’s beautiful up there. There is an 8 hour hike up the mountain or there is a gondola ride up as well. We opted for the gondola ride up to save time (and laziness). You can really see the entire cape from the top. You can see the point where the Indian and Atlantic meet. A very powerful thought (for me at least.) The area is enormous. We hiked around for about 5 hours and were able to hit all edges of the table top. What is amazing to me is being able to see the racial separation of neighborhoods. You can see the definite divide between the poorer townships and the next door middle class white neighborhoods. There are very very few racially mixed neighborhoods.

Other than the train, I have learned (and maybe I’m late with this), but befriend a taxi driver and solely use them during the stay. Since most taxis are not metered here, you can really bargain for your ride. Booking the same driver day to day they are sure to hook you up with a good deal every time.

We finally packed up and were off to the airport. I packed my LEAP cell phone in my bag and for some stupid reason checked it…why? I don’t know….nonetheless, when I got my bag back, it was unzipped and no cell phone. I reported it to the police and the airline and they basically laughed at me for being a dummy and putting the cell phone in my backpack. A learning experience to say the least.

Home to sleep!